
Argumentative Essay: The Test Oath Law Of 1865

Decent Essays

There are many arguments for and against judicial review. The biggest argument for judicial review is that acts of Congress, the executive, and the states that conflict with the fundamental law of the Constitution are not entitled to enforcement and must be disregarded. A major argument against judicial review is that the judiciary is not infallible. One such law that conflicted with the fundamental law of the Constitution is the Test Oath Law of 1865. This law required attorneys, as a condition for practicing in federal courts, to swear that they had never engaged in nor supported the southern rebellion against the Union. The Supreme Court found that the law constituted an unconstitutional ex post facto law, for it retroactively punished the offenses mentioned in the oath by preventing those who committed them from taking office. The judiciary is not infallible. Judges’ error in interpreting the Constitution cannot be corrected at the ballot box. when the Supreme Court violates the Constitution, suing is not an option. The Supreme Court controls the lower courts on federal issues. That means the relief has to come from the other, political branches. The President can denounce the ruling and (like Lincoln with the Dred Scott case) refuse to enforce it beyond the parties to the particular case. Congress can take steps to reign the Court in by …show more content…

This goes back to the separation of powers. It is not the place of the Legislative branch to make laws and then interpret them as well. Furthermore, it is not the place of the Executive branch to enforce and clarify the meaning of the laws. Consequently, it is judges that are in the best position to declare what the Constitution means. By striking down laws and acts that conflict with the Constitution, they preserve the nation’s fundamental law and the true will of the

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