
Argumentative Essay: Undocumented Immigrants

Satisfactory Essays

Argumentative essay

More than 11 million undocumented illegal immigrants fill the US. Over the past hundreds years immigrants have been coming into the United States,this process has continued. And some may disagree and believe in that immigrants should not have a path to citizenship. It is immigrants should have a path to citizenship. Undocumented immigrants should get a path to citizenship One important reason that immigrants should have a path to citizenship is that the United States of America is a country filled with immigrants. We are are the land of freedom and opportunity. And according to Senator Charles E. Schumer Upfront Magazine 2015 he had stated ¨My home is in Brooklyn, I can see the statue …show more content…

Senator Charles E Schumer has even claimed to say “Our immigration system is badly broken...we turn away people...who could invent new technologies, create jobs and boost the economy.” What Senator Charles is saying that these immigrants basically had been our future. That they can help unemployed Americans by letting them work and in their small shops that they have created. These immigrants can be scientist who can create cures and medicines to diseases that are major in the US. They can create new Technology to make life more efficient. Schumer is also trying to say that we can't fix our system if for not letting anyone in. The problem will just grow and there'll be more immigrants coming in. So he believes that we should fix our immigration system by letting immigrants in and helping them instead of kicking everyone out and spending lots of precious resources given by the …show more content…

Therefore in conclusion with my given reasons [And evidence] we should let undocumented immigrants have a path to citizenship. Simply because this A country full of immigrants. It is also good for the economy. Besides all these presidents and people want the best for the country and truly if they want that they should continue the tradition of accepting people and giving them a chance. But if we let this curfew continue more immigrants will come and our system will be destroyed and we will spend millions of money sending these people Back to their

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