
Arguments Against Gmo Labeling

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This article is about the Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) labeling law that President Obama signed, the law allows companies to label their products in anyway they want to indicate the presence of GMO products. This article discusses the controversy between both sides of the GMO labeling debate, the pro labeling side desiring to know what they are consuming and the against labeling side expressing their fear that the label of GMO on a product would make consumers turn away unnecessarily. This law was a compromise to both sides as it requires a form of labeling that makes it possible for inquiring consumers to find what is in their food but also does not require companies to clearly state the presence of GMO. This author was decidedly …show more content…

To remove the ability to have knowledge about what we are putting into our bodies is to remove a fundamental right from our society. I am not entirely satisfied with this new law for the same reasons as the author described: “The new law tells consumers, ‘You deserve to know what’s in your food, so we’re going to tell you,” while sending a not-too-subtle message to food companies: “Feel free to make this information as difficult to find as you’d like.’” by allowing companies to disclose the presence of GMO through QR codes, toll free numbers, and really whatever means the company wants to it makes it harder for the consumers to realize what is in their food. However I am pleased that it has made it possible for consumers who are informed about the pros and cons of GMO and desire to understand what is in their food able to find the facts, this is expressed in the following passage “All of this information could be made available. Some people care about this, others don’t. But now that the new labeling law has opened the disclosure door a crack, why not open it wide and see what’s inside?”. GMO labeling is more than a health decision to me, it is a human rights decision. I believe every person has the right to know what they are consuming, and if GMO are as safe as Monsanto keeps

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