
Aristotle And Virtue Ethics

Decent Essays

This paper here is intended to identify the moral responsibility that best works for my profession. I will compare and contrast what ethical theory’s will work best in my opinion. Virtue is similar in the way that the rest of is a good deed or good action, but it is more so of your character and personality. It is the good that you do, or don’t do because of the type of person you are and your beliefs. The philosophical question to be answered is which approach is better at determining what a good action is or what a good rule is? By comparing and contrasting the ideas about duty’s and Virtue I will prove that Aristotle’s view on Virtue is the better ethical theory using examples of situations in my chosen profession of criminal justice. In …show more content…

The philosophical meaning of both works gives the message that people are interchangeable. While working towards greatness, happiness, and pleasure never forget who you are. The materialistic things change one's character. Both Aristotle and Mill both have the same vision, the consistency of people staying the same no matter what. It doesn't how hard someone tries to change someone else they are always going to be who they want to be. Virtue and Utilitarianism defines basic human being-ness and ways to establish (or preserve) the “good”. Both philosophers use happiness repeatedly throughout their pieces of writing in similar meaning but different wording. Kant explains that it is a person’s obligation and duty to himself to be happy when he says “to secure ones happiness is a duty, at least indirectly…” This is explaining that whether a person knows it or not, at the end of the day the actions they take and the things they do lead toward their happiness. Aristotle also explains in different terms that happiness is the end result when he says “Happiness, on the other hand, no one chooses for the sake of these, nor, in general, for anything other than itself.” This means that there is nothing that influences a person to choose to be happy, it is something that is evident. Both philosophers have the same idea of doing good in life. Kant’s idea of good comes from a person’s obligation in life while Aristotle’s idea of good comes from within a person. While both expect some sort of moral excellence from people, the good is expected from different places. For Kant it is something that is natural and for Aristotle it is something of a

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