
Aristotle Nichomachean Ethics Case Study

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Explain and summarize Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethics. Do you think it is a valid ethical system? Why or why not? Give your reasons.
Philosophy, Research paper, 3 pages
Nov 7, 2017 at 8:00 PM

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Explain and summarize Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethics. Do you think it is a valid ethical system? Why or why not? Give your reasons.
To start with, Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics is considered to be the most important work in ethics. In ten books, famous Greek philosopher reveals his concepts in defining ethics. Aristotle defines the notion of happiness in connection with virtue, moral education, friendship, and contemplation. Of course, the work was written in the distant past, but it still presents a valid ethical system which has the correspondence to the moral, ethical principles.

To start with, Aristotle highlights that the perception of virtue is different for everyone, and there are a lot of factors which influence it. For example, people's moral principles, mentality, the society they live in and its formative culture peculiarities. The highest human good is considered to be in close relations with the sense of happiness. As all people have different characters, attitudes to life, moral values, it is difficult to define the conditions on which their happiness depends. Aristotle, an ancient Greek philosopher, writes that the highest human good "proves to be the activity of the soul in accord with virtue" (Aristotle, trans. Irvin T., 1999). In other words, it is the way of a person's appropriate behavior in the situations of different nature and difficulty in his or her life.

Concerning the philosopher, the principal factor which coordinates people's decisions towards good or bad actions is a soul. But this process is reciprocal because the soul, in its turn, is forming according to people's actions. The life with the feeling of satisfaction is connected with some level of pleasure; this pleasure, by Aristotle, is the activity determined by virtue. Virtue is a quality of a person's character; it highlights doing any action taking into account both rational

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