
Essay on Aristotle’s Views on Virtue

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Aristotle’s views on Virtue Aristotle believes that there are two kinds of virtue, one being intellectual and the other being moral virtue. He states that Intellectual virtue comes from being taught meaning we’re not born with it. Moral virtue on the other hand we develop as we grow and gain an understanding of life. “The stone which by nature moves downwards cannot be habituated to move upwards, not even if one tries to train it by throwing it up ten thousand times” (N.E. II.1) Right there he is talking about how if you are designed to do one thing, it is impossible to do the opposite no matter how hard you force it. He talks about how we gain our virtues by practicing them and using them on a regular basis. That is how we learn …show more content…

He knows when to give and to whom, with out pain or giving for the pleasure of it. He gives for the sake of it being the right thing to do. The liberal man won’t give all his possessions nor will he give them to anybody because he will know the place and time to do so. To also be a liberal man you must first have respect for your own stuff, not being careless with it by giving it all away but only what is necessary at the right time. This is truly what he meant by it being a “mean” because it is the way of giving where its not giving in excess and its not giving in defect which would be giving to the wrong people; For those things amount to failure in a virtuous sense. One is not born a liberal man, he is created through out life, this brings us back to book one where he speaks of the stone and how it can not be forced to go up with out coming back down or how fire cannot be forced to burn down. If we were all created a liberal man there would be no problems at all and we would all be living on an equal plain. But life isn’t perfect and it will never be that way because were not all the liberal man. Not to sum up Aristotle in one sense but what he is basically trying to say I think is, you are who you make yourself and who you are surrounded with. I could be completely wrong but I feel that this is what he is

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