
Arm and Hammer

Satisfactory Essays

Marketing Brands Objectives, Positioning & Strategy

• Origin of term
• Military Campaigns
• Political Campaigns
• Advertising Campaigns
Origin of term
 Fr. campagne, It. campagna - open country suited to military maneuvers n Campaign - a series of military operations with a particular objective in a war n Campaign - a series of organized planned actions with a particular purpose, as for electing a candidate
Political Campaigns

In politics, as in war, you have to pick your battles. National political campaigns focus on key states and voter groups.
Each single geographic or statewide campaign may have its own objectives and strategies which contribute to the overall campaign
The objective is a majority in the …show more content…

Strategy: How you are going to do it.
Tactic: Specific action. (Should be specific action that helps meet strategic goals - tactics should be on strategy.)
Remember, objectives first, then strategy. (If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.)

The Value Ladder
Consumer Benefit
Product Benefit

Some things we know about Advertising
Branding and Advertising
Branding = overall brand equity building
Advertising = specific messages and goals
Advertising contributes to Branding
Advertising is concerned with:
The Advertising Message
Media Planning and Placement

An Advertising Communication Model

Note it is more difficult for the audience to communicate back to the advertiser.
Feedback is one purpose of Market Research

The Lavidge-Steiner Learning Model
How people “learn” ads
Begins with Awareness
Moves to Conviction and Purchase
NOTE: Process may be quite rapid and you may try before being totally convinced

Marketing Strategies
Product Strategy
 Functional Appeals
 Performance Measures
 Characteristic Features
 Comparison Information

 Emotional Appeals
 Linked with feelings
 Favorable disposition
 Reference based

 Distribution Strategy
 Cities, Stores, Shelves, Direct
 Pricing Strategy
 High
 Makers Mark---It taste expensive and it is.
 Low

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