
Art History

Decent Essays

Katie Tran
Paper #1
In Grandview Boulevard, completed in 1974 CE, the artist utilizes painterly brushstrokes. The shadows of the trees that are painted dark purple appear to have more painterly aspects than the rest of the composition. From far away, the painting seems smooth and sleek, but up close, the individual thick brushstrokes can be seen. The implied texture of the leaves in the painting is sturdy and prickly, and the texture of the yellowed grass appears to be dry and coarse, however, the actual texture of the painting itself is smooth. The artist also uses both curvilinear and geometric lines. In looking at the trees in the painting, they are composed of primarily geometric lines (excluding the leafy top) that run in a …show more content…

The tree on the bottom right of the painting demonstrates modeling, which is the contrast between light and shadow in a work. The shading on the left side of the tree is darker than the right side of the tree. The tree’s local color (true color) is a light tan (bark of the tree) in comparison to its perceptual color (implied), which is a darker gray/brown. The painting demonstrates diminution of scale, for the long palm trees at the top of the composition appear smaller than the long palm trees placed lower on the page. Not only does the artist use diminution of scale, but they also use vertical location. The bushier palm trees n the back left side of the composition all appear to be the same size, but because some are placed higher on the page, they appear to be further away than the ones placed lower on the page. The artist use of overlapping helps achieve perception of depth. By overlapping the trees it makes it look like the painting has much more depth. Because of all of this, the painting portrays deep depth, not only because of the multiple overlapping and diminution of scale, but also because of the multiple horizon lines, causing the painting to look like the road goes on over the hills. This painting is a narrative, and its focal point is down the road. As the roads begin large and gets smaller, the eyes follow the road until it ends. The artist uses both thick and thin lines in

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