
Articles Of Confederation Research Paper

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The Articles of Confederation is the first "constitution" for the United States. In lesson, it goes into more detail about how 13 thirteen single colonies became one to make decisions. The United States was the first nation in the history of the world to be created by colonial people fighting against their mother country for freedom. The United States government at the time was similar to England's. The people whom lived in America wanted a democratic republic, just without all the kings and queens. This type of government has never been seen before, thus America will be creating its own version and testing it out. The Articles that they had previously created had some issues. One issue is who owned the land in the west? Better yet, how were …show more content…

Most states agreed to this plan and it was officially went into effect in 1784. With this plan, five new territories were born, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin. These territories had some important principles, the most important one being there would be absolutely no slavery what so ever. The Rectangular Survey was also created by Jefferson, this allowed land to be sold by the acre, making it affordable for everyone, no matter how much money you possessed. Jefferson also sat aside land that could not be sold, it was strictly for the use of public schools so that everyone could get an education. Thomas Jefferson paved the way to victory in the United States, without his amazing contributions who knows what could have been. Most of the land issues were taken care of, for now. The next order of business is for everyone to get on the same currency, have the same laws because at this moment in time, every state operated differently. What might be legal in one state, is illegal in another and this could cause a rise in

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