
Pros And Cons Of The Articles Of Constitution

Decent Essays

Articles of Constitution The Constitution for the US has 7 Articles, and they are all very detailed. They help lead our country toward success and let us strive to be the best country that we can possibly be. It is crazy how they wrote it in the 1700’s, and we are now in the 2000’s and still obey it. The writers of it must have been genius’! One of the Articles of the Constitution is about the Legislative Branch, or the congress. It tells them what they can and can’t do to people. It shows how it will be broken up into 2 houses of government, and what lawmaking abilities they can use. It gives them a certain amount of power, which helps our country. The framers wrote this detailed description for the legislative branch so that always knew …show more content…

This mainly talks about what powers the President and Vice President have during their time in office. The Article also talks about how the president and the rest of the branch have powers to veto or accept new laws. Framers had to write detailed descriptions for what the President can do, or else one of the President’s could have done what he wanted and made a dictatorship out of our country. But they also trusted each president with power, and they allow them to make new laws in order to better the country. A 3rd Article of the Constitution talks about the Judicial Branch. It says that there will be a court and then a “supreme” court that will make many decisions. It later says what kind of cases the federal government gets to hear. The framers wrote detailed descriptions for this Article so that the Judicial system new what cases they got and what cases the federal government got. Without the description, the federal government could possibly override the Supreme Court and get all of the cases. The framers also saw that this Article would need provisions because new cases would arise and new courts would come around. All in all, the authors of the Constitution were very smart and new what was ahead for the country. They made the Constitution descriptive and revisable so that the country could always stay on the right track. Therefore, the founding fathers’ have had a great impact on the

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