
Asl 3 Take Home Exam

Decent Essays

Cody Faucher
14 December 2016
ASL 3 Take-Home-Exam
1. What is the definition of Eugenics based on a video clip of Edwin Black?
According to Edwin Black, eugenics is “the effort to create a white, blue-eyed, blond-haired, Nordic master race in the United States, and wipe away the existence of everyone who did not fit that ideal”. Black goes further by explaining the implementation of this ideal, saying “Now who did they want to wipe away? They wanted to wipe away Mexicans, Italians. They wanted to wipe away the Asians the Jews, those who they believed were feeble minded, the Deaf, the poor.”
The Oxford University Press defines eugenics as “the science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics” with a further—and rather illuminating—explanation which states, “Developed largely by Francis Galton as a method of improving the human race, it fell into disfavor only after the perversion of its doctrines by the Nazis”.
2. What did you learn exactly from Edwin Black that you may have not learned in American History?
If I had been asked when eugenics began in practice, I would likely have pointed at Nazi era Europe prior to seeing Edwin Black’s presentation. However, at the conclusion of his speech I found myself shaken by the fact that eugenics was in practice in California before and during Nazi power. I had thought of California as, in the past, a brave frontier, and at present, a shining beacon of

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