
Athletic Trainer Research Paper

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Though electricians and athletic trainers seem to be opposites between schooling, field, and growth, they share similarities in salary, location, workplace, and disposition. Athletic trainers and electricians are as different as apples and carrots. There are small things that are similar but are mainly two different things.
The history of these two careers are very different starting in different time eras and how it was formed. Electricians first started in 1893, at the world's fair bringing light all around the city, amazing people when they walk in. 32 years later, about half of the population has electricity in there house (“National Park Service”). Many years later, technology kept on getting more advanced which makes electricians jobs …show more content…

Besides paying for schooling, they get paid to be a apprentice, around $34,000 a year for 3 to 4 years (Electricians apprentice salary and wages). As they get out of that stage, their salary goes up to $59,000 a year, which is above the national average salary (“Here's What the Average Grad Make Out of College”). With good schooling and a lot of experience, the pay can grow up to $90,000 or more. As for athletic trainers, after they are out of college, their beginning salary is around $40,000 and would stay there for a year or two. They would then get a nice raise up to $50,000, which is around the same amount as the national average. After many years and experience, their salary would move up to $76,000 (“Athletic Training Salary on the Rise According…”). Even though the athletic trainer went to college and electrician did not, the electrician still made more due to the starting salary and ending salary, but these salary depends on the gender of the …show more content…

For athletic trainers, the most popular states are California, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, pennsylvania, New York, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida and Texas. These states range to 640- 2,820 so these state would be the best places to go for schooling and working (“Bureau of Labor Statistics/ subjects”). The most popular states for electricians are Washington, Nevada, Alaska, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, North Dakota and Colorado (Zippa). These places are the most popular state because of pay and the amount of jobs which are needed

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