
Atonement By Brret Bret Analysis

Decent Essays

Bret’s personal experience with being a parent and the kids not listening show in his essay. We learn stressful days will happen to all people, and the way they react to them will play a big factor in life. Hard times come and go throughout the essay “Atonement.” When it comes to parenting, times will get stressful, but be thoughtful of the people around. To start out, his two sons Zeb and Jacob have karate this morning at eight, so to start getting ready he let the dog outside to the bathroom. The dog ends up darting for the neighbor’s house, which is under construction, to eat the chicken bones the framers leave there everyday. Zeb and Jacob wake up and start arguing about who will use the bathroom first. Jacob had to be told multiple times to comb through his hair, and Zeb would not clear the dishes from breakfast like he has been told. Melanie, his wife, has already left and to top is all off he blows up at Zeb on the ten minute drive to karate camp. For the last five minutes of the drive they sit in silence but as they pull into the studio parking lot he apolozies to the boys for yelling at them when it was not all their fault. The …show more content…

After the rest of the silent drive to the studio, the boys start to get out of the car and he stops them. He says, “I am sorry I yelled, I shouldn’t have done that.” (Bret Lott 218) When he apologizes the boys understand he has had a rough morning and is stressed out so, “That’s okay…” (Bret Lott 218) When he yelled at the boys for not listening he yelled about everything not just the not listening part. He yelled with his wrath for all morning like the dog and not getting enough writing done for his book yesterday. He didn’t do it on purpose he just needed to rant a little to calm down. He really didn’t mean to, “...misstep, the idiot words and gestures…” (Bret Lott 219) All the steps Bret has taken prove this is a well supported

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