
Axe Stereotypes

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The phrase “the cleaner you are, the dirtier you get”, has traditionally been very logical, meaning that after you bathe, you are only going to get dirty –or unclean- from that point forward. However, in today’s society, the word “dirty” has an erotic and sexually suggestive connotation. Although this ad reinforces negative gender stereotypes and is demeaning to women, men continue to buy Axe, leading the company to become the champion of men’s body products. This ad works in three ways: it sexualizes women, it powerfully affects the target market, and the message is clear.

Axe’s advertisement suggests a heterosexual sexually-driven reality of its predominantly male customers and attempts to sell much more than a shower gel. This ad uses pathos to evoke an emotional response from the audience. The word dirty, along with the image of a naked woman covered in whip cream, implies that consumers of this product will be given the ultimate object of their desire: a woman’s body. Sex plays a huge role in reinforcing gender stereotypes. Although the objectification of women is increasingly looked down upon in today’s society, many ads for men’s products continue to use it for one reason – sex sells. …show more content…

This ad features a very scrawny, average-looking young man, shorter than the woman next to him. She also appears to be older than the man, suggesting that using the product will lead to sex with an older, more experienced woman. I’m sure that it is every scrawny, awkward man’s dream to do things with whip cream to an older woman. Unlike most ads where the man in the photo is hunky and muscular, this ad suggests that even average looking fellos can be with attractive women if they use

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