
B2b Commerce Advantages And Disadvantages

Decent Essays

B2B eCommerce sites It is hard to talk of a typical modern retailer in any industry, and not to mention eCommerce. The importance of it was pretty obvious even in the beginnings which has proven over the years with revenue showing double digits increase each and every year. In the past decade we have seen a real transformation in retail, with eCommerce channel becoming not just one of sales channels but a main channel of choice for many. Furthermore, pure online retailers are quite often taking a huge chunk of the market and putting traditional brick-and-mortar retailers in a tough spot. The changes we have seen in recent years are so dramatic that those "traditional" retailers that were not able to adapt are taking a toll. For many years the focus has been on B2C, even though B2B generates more revenue, and arguably/probably has more (financial) potential. Not long ago retail was a sole bearer of eCommerce flag pioneering almost alone in that vast space. Those days are long gone and eCommerce is increasingly becoming not just a reality but a necessity in B2B relations. …show more content…

However with the eCommerce giants such as Alibaba and Amazon venturing into B2B things are starting to pick up pace. There is still a long way to go but the path has been paved. Still a lot of business executives are hesitant and are having second thoughts, which could perhaps all be summoned in one single thought: B2B is not fitted for eCommerce. Be it that they think how B2B is very different from B2C in terms of complexity and longevity of sales cycles, or they think nothing can replace a handshake. The truth is that modern eCommerce solutions are managing to solve those "problems" very successfully and have proven to be a generator of growth in the companies that decided to go that way. There is a lot that eCommerce sites have to offer to B2B, so let's mention just a few main

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