
Bad Food: Tax It, And Subsidize Vegetables

Decent Essays

"Bad Food? Tax It, and Subsidize Vegetables”, is a short article about the different foods that are considered “bad” and that we should tax them and have cheaper prices on good food like fruits and vegetables. “Attacking the Obesity Epidemic by First Figuring Out Its Cause”, is a short story about attacking the different the ways that bad food can be consumed by the people who eat it, through vending machines and stands. “No Lunch Left Behind”, is a short story about how every child in America deserves a healthful and delicious lunch that is prepared with fresh ingredients and how no child should be denied a free lunch in schools. All of the articles compare to each other, by attacking the main subject of all short stories,“Bad Food”. Bad food is …show more content…

All of the articles contrast with each other by each of them having different points and ways to get healthier food into schools and in grocery stores. For example, “Bad Food? Tax it, and Subsidize Vegetables” wants to tax bad food and subsidize them by getting them out of stores and vendi machines, or at least making cheaper foods cheaper, so that the children nowadays can have a longer lifespan than their parents. The same concept goes with the short story, “Attacking the Obesity Epidemic by First Figuring Out Its Cause”, with the slight difference of attacking obesity as a whole. In the short story, “No Lunch Left Behind”, the main objective is to make sure that all children in America are able to eat a healthy and nutritional without the fear of consuming artificial goods. In conclusion, the three short stories all attack bad foods, by attacking the produces to help consumers eat healthier and to live a longer life. I believe that taxing bad food isn’t going to make a difference because people who eat “bad food” will do anything to be able to eat it because it is an

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