
Barbie Doll By Marge Piercy

Decent Essays

In “Barbie Doll” by Marge Piercy, society has a way of placing unrealistic expectations on women in today’s society. By using television, magazines, posters, slogans, and even toys women are given an image that they have to conform to in order to be beautiful. The speaker takes the reader through what a young child that developing into a beautiful woman may face as she goes through society and the hurtful comments made to her referencing her natural beauty. She uses self-image as the prominent theme, a tone that shifts quickly and dramatically and a counter argument that walks you through all stages of life.
Overall, the theme of “Barbie Doll” is self-image. Self-image is something that every woman will face and struggle with. “She went to and fro apologizing (10)”, suggests that the young woman does struggle with her natural beauty. “Her good nature wore out (15)”, shows that eventually the young woman gave up on being herself. The tone is sardonic in the fact that her classmates are now satisfied with her once she is dead. “To every woman a happy ending (25)”. The image of a beautiful woman is a matter of opinion. Society has gotten to the point where a woman will lose in the end. Her natural beauty will fade as she grows older, gaining wrinkles, grey hair and becoming feeble.
Meanwhile, the tone can be described as caustic, or bitter. Tonal shifts range from bitter or sardonic to ‘as a matter of fact’. These shifts show what a woman will go through as she absorbs the

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