
Bartleby The Scrivener

Satisfactory Essays

written in 1851. Herman Melville wrote a short story called Bartleby the Scrivener: A story of Wall Street” and it was written in 1853. Capitalism and Industrialization played a big role in Bartleby’s life in this story Melville symbolizes how he is this by adding Bartleby who is his protagonist, and how he is becoming more and more resistant as time goes on. By using Bartleby, it shows how Melville is against how, being a part in a capitalist society it makes the higher class not see the working class as people, individuals, but rather than the working class that they are in. If they do not act the way they are supposed to act in that society, and do not agree with it ultimately leads to their death. The employees that work for the lawyer In “Bartleby the Scrivener” are given nicknames that are taking away …show more content…

Melville says this about the nicknames “In truth they were nicknames mutually conferred upon each other by my three clerks and were deemed expressive of their respective persons or characters” (Melville 2). He gave them all nicknames that represent their work personalities rather than who they really are as a person. The lawyer then begins to tell the readers their strong points of working and their weaknesses on the job. He does not tell the readers their real names, but he does tell them their ages and is kind of descriptive of what they look like. In a capitalist society, people are not seen as an individual who has their strong points and their weak points. Employers should be encouraging their strengths, and working to strengthen their weak points, to make their employees the best that they can be. Rather than just putting all of their employees into the same group, where none of their strengths are shown, and their identity is stripped of them. Other than knowing a little about the lawyers employees they aren’t seen as any more than his scriveners and office boy. Then the reader is introduced to Bartleby, he is

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