
Bashar Al-Assad Genocide

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Bashar al-Assad Genocide (2000-present)
Bashar al-Assad is the 19th president of Syria, he has committed genocide on the people of his country. The protests continued after the first strike made by Bashar al-Assad. Leading to more strikes, and ultimately resulting in an ongoing genocide. There haven’t been any stereotypes involved in this genocide, though there is a common target of protesters, there hasn’t been any characteristics or ethnicities that have been targeted.
The victims aren’t even captured in this genocide which is obviously different than the Holocaust. In this genocide, they are attacked in their homes. Healthcare for the victims has been taken away by the government as well. This event is similar to the Holocaust …show more content…

For example, both of these genocides have used chemicals to attack their victims. “In some killing centers, carbon monoxide was piped into the chamber. In others, camp guards threw ‘Zyklon B’ pellets down an air shaft” (USHMM). This technique obviously requires some organization do pull off, the Syrian government also needs to be a bit tactical with their attacks as well. They need to pinpoint a specific area to attack where they will get the best results. This doesn’t require quite the same amount of organization, but it requires some nonetheless. The Nazi’s pumped a variety of chemicals (depending on the camp) into gas chambers in order to kill their victims, but the Syrian government uses chemicals and explosives in a more modern way. They launch the attacks on people in their homes and communities, they don’t take anyone captive and they don’t collect people to kill …show more content…

So what does this mean? This means that the UN has recognized what Syria has been doing to its citizens, but as of yet, they have been unable to reach consensus on what their punishment should be. But as they take more and more time to find a suitable punishment, the genocide continues.
Nothing has really become of the perpetrators because this genocide is ongoing. There hasn’t been any form of punishment yet and they still haven’t been stopped. Governments around the globe have been working to try to stop the Syrian government but have been unsuccessful so far. The UN is getting closer to reaching a decision on what will happen to the Syrian government and the offenders. Until they do, the ruthless attacks and killings will continue.

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