
Bashar Al-Assad Vs. Napoleon

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Bashar al-Assad Vs. Napoleon The novel Animal Farm was about the animals on the farm performing a rebellion against man, once succeeded the farm was run by the pigs who are the most intelligent animals on the farm. The pig in command was named Napoleon, he took ruling the farm to a whole new level. Once Napoleon gains the power that he had desired, the farm begins to dramatically change. The beginning of the book all animals were to be equal, but Napoleon becomes a terrible dictator in the end. To gain power and manage to maintain the power is just what Napoleon wanted all along. Bashar al-Assad uses similar tactics as those used by Napoleon throughout the novel. Napoleon has a great lust for power and always wants to be the one who is fully …show more content…

Assad had his opponents who are the civilians in Syria protesting against him being regularly tortured, imprisoned, and even executed (bio.). In chapter 7 of Animal Farm Napoleon commands his well trained dogs (the military) to ferociously kill the innocent animals who had confessed their influence was by Snowball. In 2008, and again in 2011, Assad had social media sites such as YouTube and Facebook blocked (bio.) . Napoleon ends up restricting and even prevents the education on the farm, which is similar to what Assad had done with the social media sites. Bashar al-Assad had many people believing that he wasn’t going to be a terrible dictator to Syria, but eventually he does the opposite of what they believed and became a terrible ruler with too much power. Napoleon also started out on Animal Farm by having the animals believe in him to be a good ruler of the farm. But Napoleon betrayed them just like Assad betrayed Syria. Napoleon made the animals work extremely hard on the farm and in the end they didn't receive a rational amount of food they had once had. Boxer was the biggest animal on the farm, he was a horse and had the motto to always work harder and that Napoleon is always right! Boxer never betrays Napoleon, he always would put in extra hours of work even when not needed to do so. Napoleon ends up betraying Boxer, the most loyal, hardworking, and caring animal on the

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