
Baumeister And Exline Paper

Decent Essays

Humans are social beings who organize themselves into groups that share a common interest and are essential for discovering, developing meaning, and self-worth. Groups are important for everyday work, and they work toward achieving a goal. Groups increase the information of one person by combining ideas and knowledge. They can also help people in their social life through interacting with other people and bypassing their comfort zone. Not much work can be done alone, whereas a group can help solve problems and assist each other in work. Our group shows example of docile, zealous, humble, and diligent whether it be in our group or each members and everyone contribute to keep the group working. When we meet in class and start on our assignments we don't start talking at first, but then we start working really hard to finish the assignment. Our group is interesting because we procrastinate our work at first and miraculously finish it. We all get along very well, whereas most group have trouble at first. I guess we are all nice genuine people that don't have problems with most people. At the very end of the day most of us are pretty tired, so that could contribute to why we’re not enthusiastic about the work. We’re all very docile in the group, we are eager to learn and have no trouble …show more content…

I believe that everyone moral in the group is good enough to where our group acts like a team. We all know what’s right or wrong and what standard behaviors to act around people, which is why I believe our works well enough. Self-control is an ability to control one’s emotion and behavior whenever we feel wronged or embarrassed. Everyone in the group has self-control to know when things are right or wrong and how to act upon when things are not going the right way for us. Our group shows great morality and self-control to work together to finish work and give the best intentions we

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