
Becoming a Nurse Essay

Decent Essays

As of 2008, there were about 753,600 Licensed Practical Nurses and 2,618,700 Registered Nurses in the United States (U.S. Department of Labor, 2010-11). In the year 2018, the LPN employment percentage is expected to rise 21% while the RN rate should be approximately 22% (U.S. Department of Labor, 2010-11). This may not seem that high, but it is, when one considers that the expected employment rate for a Dentist is only expected to be 16% (U.S Department of Labor, 2010-11). Nursing is a highly respected and sought after career because every person that enters this profession is able to make a difference and is needed by the general population for his/her skills and contributions to the medical field. When a person is contemplating entering …show more content…

One needs to be there to comfort them and keep them calm when needed to. Caring for people come with the job of being a nurse. If a person cannot care for the people they are helping, they will not surpass as a nurse. In order to be a nurse, one has to have a great deal of patience. In a single shift, one may have to deal with aggressive patients, angry family members, a grumpy co-worker or supervisor, and even some patients who have many “intestinal accidents.” To get through all this, one needs to keep positive and have a smile on their face. Some other traits include having good communication skills, being emotionally stable, good physical endurance, and diligence. Since nursing consists of talking a lot, ones communication skills should be very well. They must be able to understand what patients are saying, what orders are given by the doctors, and how to successfully chart ones activity. An important trait is being able to be emotionally stable. It is crucial in order to survive all the ups and downs of emotions nurses must experience. For instance, if one has become good friends with a patient and they pass away. It would be hard, but they would need to pull through and put their job first. For nurses to succeed, they should have good physical endurance. Nurses have very few breaks and they are on their feet all day. Being a nurse means having diligence and a positive work ethic. One needs to have a constant and earnest effort to accomplish what

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