
Beethoven Accomplishments

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The classical music phase broadens from 1740 to 1810, which incorporate the music of Haydn, Mozart, and the first period of Beethoven. The three prominent composers of the classical style of music Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven and Joseph Haydn (Franz). Together, the three composers established a trinity that is considered to be responsible for the development of classical music. Across their lives, these three composers had vastly different style and behaviors. Beethoven and Mozart were innately talented and before they commenced to compose, their lives as musicians began with learning instruments, While Haydn at the beginning, he was a singer in a choir. In fact, Beethoven was an enthusiast of Mozart and aspire to study with …show more content…

Mozart composed his first piece at the age of five and he was a court musician at the age of seventeen. While the first piece of Haydn was composed in his second decade and Beethoven's first piece was at the age of twelve. In addition, Beethoven had a vigorous and dramatic personality as his piano playing also because his life was disturbed by his loss of hearing and the presumed Cogan Syndrome. According to Cooper, Nair, and Tremaglio (2015), "We propose that Cogan syndrome-a systemic vasculitis with multiple autoimmune associations-offers a unifying diagnosis for Beethoven's multi-organ syndrome, including his deafness." (p.126). Unlike Beethoven, Haydn medical state impacted by the distribute of atherosclerosis and congestive heart failure (Blahak, Bäzner, and Hennerici, 2015, p.). However, Researchers assume that Mozart had bipolar disease and Tourette's Syndrom. There are many speculations about Mozart's death at the age of 35 and the researchers assumed that the death occurred due to poison or a nervous breakdown. Otherwise, Haydn died after he performed his "Emperor's Hymn" at the age of 77. In the contrary, the death of Beethoven has happened because infectious

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