
Beethoven Concert Report Sample

Decent Essays

On November 1, 2017 I attended The Great Beethoven Concert at the Thorley Recital Hall. The SUU symphony Orchestra was directed by Dr. Xun Sun. This concert featured the best symphonic music from Ludwig van Beethoven. The orchestra consisted of about 30 kids. There were several different instruments including: violin, viola, cello, bass, clarinet, flute, french horn, oboe, trombone, trumpet, and the piano. Although there were many different instruments the main instrument that was being played was the violin. The concert had some great different music, some of which started by featuring a solo instrument and then having the whole orchestra join in. The orchestra also included several pieces that would fluctuate in mood. The piece would possibly start happy and then end sad or angry and vise versa. Other pieces started fast, then went slow, and then went fast again at the end. The concert included one piece of Beethoven's music that was in sonata form. This sonata form includes development, exposition, recapitulation. …show more content…

The conductor signaled for specific parts of the orchestra to play at specific times. The conductor who was Dr. Xun Sun also got very into it as he led the orchestra. He would never hold still and he was constantly tapping his feet and going up on his toes and back down. I think this showed that he truly appreciates Beethoven’s music and that he is passionate about it. The orchestra also showed many signs about having a passion for what they were playing. The orchestra members backs would never touch the back of their chairs because they had such amazing posture. They would also sway back and forth as they played and you could hear them breathing as they vigorously but yet gently

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