
Behavioral Therapies : Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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From the lens of a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, an integrated mix of both cognitive and behavioral approaches is best suited the treatment of clients. All the approaches under Cognitive Behavioral Therapy require several different attributes. Some of them being; the need for a positive working relationship between client and therapist, the belief that distress is a cognitive process, treatment is a focus in changing cognitions to create positive change in mood or behavior. Changing irrational cognitions create a domino effect to other aspects of people’s lives. Clinicians take on an active and direct role with the client that desire to obtain educational learning and restructuring of old cognitions by clients. All Cognitive Behavioral therapies are to challenge the cognitive process to bring on positive change. One of the most popular and widely used Cognitive Behavioral Therapies is known as Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, abbreviated as REBT. This psychotherapy helps an array of issues a client may come in with, like depression, anxiety, anger, stress, guilt and even difficulties with procrastination. A therapist using REBT guides a client in how one’s own thoughts affect feelings (ABC’s of REBT). This holistic approach was developed by Albert Ellis in the 1950s and has an emphasis on the cause and effect relationship that cognition, emotions and behaviors have on one another. Ellis developed the theory when reflecting on his adolescence; during this time, he

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