
Being A Corrections Officer Essay

Decent Essays

There is no doubt that being in the profession of corrections is an exceedingly stressful and dangerous profession. Corrections officers are one of the highest rated for non-fatal on-the-job injuries, which usually result from confrontations with inmates. These confrontations are anything from riots, fights, and even having excrement being throw at them by inmates. When being confronted with these challenges on a daily basis, fraternity and brotherhood are crucial. It is vital for your fellow corrections officer to “have your 6”. Being a corrections officer is more than guarding inmates, it is protecting your fellow officers and protecting the inmates from themselves, even though at times the inmates wish harm upon you. We all must remember, corrections officers are cops without guns and a lot more criminals. To civilians, that it a nightmare that we could never imagine. It is of the utmost importance that the PSCOA operate as a “fraternal organization,” because it is impossible to trust and depend on one another. The ultimate goal for each officer is to maintain order and to get home every night in one piece. My father has worked as a corrections officer for …show more content…

It is going beyond your differences in things such as politics, religion, or lifestyles and standing strong together and being determined that all officers get to go home to their families at night. As a corrections officer’s daughter, I am proud of Sgt. Floyd and I am in solemn grief with his fellow officers and family. The profession of corrections is dependant on being a fraternal organization. Sgt. Floyd is the epitome of a lionheart, knight, and the most honorable man that this world has encountered. Everyday, I will pray that my father is surrounded by officers that are as brave as himself and Sgt. Floyd. “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” John

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