
Being A Prisoner Of War

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“Missing in action (MIA) is a casualty classification assigned to armed services personnel and other combatants who are reported missing during wartime. They may have been killed, wounded, become a prisoner of war (POW), or deserted”. Around 1912 the United States Army created the MIA/POW because most army personnel in countries were not routinely issued with ID tags. As a result, if someone was killed in action and his or her body was not recovered until much later, there was little or no chance of identifying the remains. Around the First World War ID tags were then made as source of identification, some were made of aluminum. Although wearing ID tags proved to be highly beneficial, the problem that came up were that bodies could be …show more content…

II. Government Policy Before the War
President John F. Kennedy 's started off the Vietnam War by sending over 2,000 military advisers to South Vietnam in 1961 to mark the beginning of twelve years of American military combat.” U.S. unit combat began in 1965. The number of US. Troops steadily increased until it reached a peak of 543,400 in April 1969. The total number of Americans who served in South Vietnam was 2.7 million. Of these, more than 58,000 died or remain missing, and 300,000 others were wounded. The US. Government spent more than $140 billion on the war.” Sadly on November, 22nd, 1963 he was assassinated. Lyndon Baines Johnson stepped into office as the 36th President of the United States. On July, 20th, 1954, In Indochina there was conference that produced a set of documents known as the Geneva Accords. These agreements temporarily separated Vietnam into two zones, a northern zone to be governed by the Viet Minh, and a southern zone to be governed by the State of Vietnam.

III. The United States Involvement with the Vietnam War
The role of the US was minimal during the Second World War then progressed into full commitment in the Vietnam War. “In 1950, the U.S. government established a Military Assistance and Advisory Group (MAAG) in Vietnam to help train a viable army, screen French requests for aid, and make helpful suggestions regarding strategy.” During the Vietnam War the US helped bring economic stability leading to large amount of

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