
Being An Accountant Or Public Accountant

Decent Essays

I am interested in Business area, especially in Accounting. There are lots of careers in accounting itself, including management accounting, public accounting, financial accounting, and auditing. For myself, I am rather interested to be a financial accountant or public accountant. I’d like to work in the business field because of the fact that I like learning business and it’s important for people in every field. It also useful in our daily life, such as how to pay your bill and arrange your house tax. From my research, being an accountant for a living is also guaranteed. Accountant reached number 3 in the best business jobs, according to US News 2015. Accounting job is also reached number 16 in the 100 best job and number 5 in the best STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) jobs (“US news & World Report”). The other reason why I choose this field is because I tend to work inside the building, and compared by other fields like nursing or engineering, I rather choose accounting. Besides, I found that accounting is not really hard as long as we understand the concept.
Based on article “Financial Accounting,” Financial accounting professionals are responsible for the public reporting of a company or organization’s financial status. That involves collecting and maintaining data, forecasting future needs, preparing detailed statements and communicating financial information to company leaders and audiences that don’t have an accounting background. Financial

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