
Being Successful In The Workplace

Satisfactory Essays

When it comes to being successful in the workforce there are many different skills a person needs. I believe there are three extremely important skills every employee should have. These skills are, time management, being respectful, and being responsible. These three skills will give you the best ability to succeed in the workplace, and open up more opportunities for your career.

Time management is important, no matter the job you have, someone is always waiting for you to complete your duty. If you work at a restaurant, people are waiting for their food. If you work in an office, people are waiting for your paper, or meeting to be ready. To be a successful employee it is crucial to know how to use your time to the best of the ability. For example, if you have to write a paper for a meeting in a week, good time management would start working on the paper right away. If you have poor time management you may wait until the day before the meeting then cram all the work needed to finish the paper and it may not be completed properly. Time management is important for a successful employee because an …show more content…

We all know a colleague who is hard to work with, and disrespectful. When they show up to work it makes the whole workplace and time dreadful. It is important to be able to work well with others and respect all those around you and their different opinions. When you are respectful to those around you, you get respect back as well. Respecting your colleagues is important, but so is respecting costumers. Working in retail or a workplace that has many consumers coming and going, your respect or lack of respect can determine if the shop will gain or lose costumers in the long run. Now with social media, if someone had a horrible experience at a store or restaurant they can easily post about it, and many consumers will refuse to go to said place. It is your responsibility to know if you are being respectful or

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