
Belonging Essay

Decent Essays

Belonging means different things to different people. The most common definition is feeling a sense of connectedness to a person, place or thing. Understanding nourishes belonging while a lack of understanding can prevent people from belonging. This is shown through Peter Skrzynecki’s poem ‘Migrant hostel’ which is about the challenges faced by travelers on their journey, and the hardships they have to overcome by exchanging their old world for the unfamiliar and unwelcoming new world in which they don’t understand anything. Skrzynecki’s poem ‘Feliks Skryznecki’ explores a relationship between father and son, and their contrasting experiences of belonging to a new place. The related text, ‘The Red Tree,’ by Shaun Tan also shows that a lack …show more content…

Thus we see how understanding nourishes belonging while a lack of understanding can prevent people from belonging.

Similarly, in the poem ‘Feliks Skryznecki’ by Peter Skryznecki we are shown how understanding nourishes belonging while a lack of understanding can prevent people from belonging. Feliks is shown to understand and belong to his friends and to Polish culture. His friends allow him to establish a greater connection to his past and to keep his memories alive and this is shown through the quote “talking, they reminisced.” However, the sense of belonging to his friends excludes the poet as he cannot speak the language nor does he understand the traditions and why they are this way. “Always shook hands too violently” shows how the older and younger generations have different traditions and ways of understanding each other. The use of the simile “After that, like a dumb prophet, watched me pegging my tents Further and further south of Hadrian’s Wall,” Shows the generational gap between the poet and his father and how because the poet was unable to understand the traditions and cultures of his father he was unable to feel a sense of belonging with him.

Similarly the picture book “The Red Tree” by Shaun Tan shows how understanding nourishes belonging while a lack of understanding can prevent people from belonging. The girl is portrayed as not understanding the world around her. She does not know where she belongs or who she is, and

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