
Beneatha Character Essay

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Journal #5 In Beneatha’s case Asagai is a better suitor than George, because George is caught up trying to live the American Dream. Asagai and George differ greatly from one another making them both foil characters. A foil character is known to have different qualities to help highlight the traits of the other character. For example, Asagai is seen to be an ideal black man, one who is attached to his African identity rather than having an American perspective. On the other hand, George can be seen as an African male trying to live in a white society. Clearly showing their character’s qualities are the converse of one another. George qualities of viewing how Beneatha dresses and acts clearly shows he is not capable of being with her. For instance, when George …show more content…

. . so go change” (80). When Beneatha defends herself from George he becomes annoyed of what she has to say about the “African past” (81). If George really wants to be with Beneatha then he should not judge her by what she wears only as long as she acts like the person he knows and loves. He needs to learn to accept the woman Beneatha is than try to change her to be more classy like an average white woman. Although, Beneatha may be repeating herself George could have handled the situation better than to complain about what she had to say. Therefore, showing Asagai is the better suitor because he truly cares for her, listens to what she has to say, advises her, and asks questions to better understand her situations. For example, he questions Beneatha on why she is not excited to move from her apartment and she has no trouble explaining the whole situation (132). Thus, clearly showing Asagai is the better suitor who may not be as rich as George, but who can take care of her physical and emotional health. Asagai wants to help provide for Beneatha by asking her to go back to Africa with him, while George wants her to look elegant for a simple theatre date. In the end, Asagai is the better suitor

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