
Benefits of a Motivated Staff

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What is motivation? Motivation is defined as “an individual’s willingness to respond to the organization’s requirements in short run.” (P.71 Dixon, 1998) For the purposes of this research paper, I find the most fitting definition of motivation is to define it as “the force that Energizes, Directs, and Sustains behavior.” (, 2014) Motivation is imperative to productivity. A highly motivated staff often leads to high productivity from the workforce.
But why is motivating staff the most difficult task for managers in so many businesses? One of the primary reasons is because “behavior on the individual level is a very complex phenomenon” (Davidson 2005, p.304) Clearly, If a manager wants to build and/or sustain a successful company, …show more content…

This encourages them to interact with other employees that carryout similar duties as a given employees, and/or with an employee that they normally would not interact with. Informal teams meetings can be encouraged to offer training camps and to discuss new ideas and improvements that can be made on the job. By allowing “social interaction, employees begin to feel that they are a part of a team.”(Davidson 2005 p.307)
Esteem needs: According to Maslow, after satisfying social needs, employees often want to seek fulfillment of esteem needs. Self-esteem is comprised of self-confidence and self-respect whereas having esteem for other individuals is the respect one has for them. (Davidson 2005 p.307) When the performance of an employee is consistently rated high, that employee is often recognized for their superior performance. Once a manager rewards or promotes and employee, they often gain respect from their peers. This leads to employee being proud of themselves and intern gaining self-respect and self-confidence. “Employees often think that hard word leads to promotion opportunities. Having workers think that they can be promoted as a reward for hard work can be a motivator.” (Taylor, 2006 p. 8)
Self- actualization needs are highest level need of an employee. “These involve realizing a workers full potential for development on an individual level and continued personal growth.”

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