
Beowulf : An Epic Poem Derived From Old World Storytelling Traditions

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Ms. Michelle Boykin EH 203 (Fall 2015) First Essay: Beowulf October 5, 2015 Beowulf: An Epic Poem Derived from Old World Storytelling Traditions The classic poem Beowulf recorded by a monk during eleventh century A.D., and of unknown authorship, is thought to have been passed down over time through oral traditions of storytelling, popular during that period in history. Most likely the listeners and retellers of these types of these stories would have been warriors themselves, much like the typical characters in these tales often were. A warrior, as Beowulf certainly was. Beowulf is a great example of such an epic. Writings of epic style, had many characteristics in common such as heroes of superhuman strength and ability. These individuals would have been the greatest of all men in ability and intellect, possessed the undaunted love and admiration of those who would have followed him even into death and would have had many adventures of fearless cavalry against otherwise undefeatable foes. The goal of this essay is to expound and support how Beowulf is most certainly a writing of the epic style. Firstly, as is common with epics, the story is usually begun by relaying a sort family lineage of extremely great and powerful men. Indeed the poem Beowulf mirrors this by the telling of the Scyldings (Danes) and their namesake Scyld Scefing, a great mythological character who reaches this area of the world as a castaway on a ship while a young child. Scefing

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