
Beowulf Leadership Qualities

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Leadership Skills of Beowulf Beowulf is known as an epic hero because he has many great leader qualities. Beowulf is loyal, generous, and brave. He shows these characteristics in different ways within the story. Beowulf shows loyalty to his men, responsibilities, and Hrothgar. " would always be in a father's place for me when I am gone: be guardian of my young retainers, my companions, if battle should take me. The Treasure you gave me, beloved Hrothgar, send to Hygelac." (46) This quote from “Beowulf” shows Beowulf’s loyalty to his men. In case he would not return from battle, he told Hrothgar to take care of his men and pass down his riches to Hygelac. He shows his loyalty to his responsibilities by always delivering the promises he makes. When he comes to the rescue of the Danes, he boasts about his ability to defeat Grendel. Lines 407 to 426 detail Beowulf asking permission to fight in Hrothgar’s honor. Beowulf’s father was a friend of Hrothgar’s. Hrothgar actually saved his father’s life and that is why Beowulf comes from the land of the Gaits to defeat Grendel and his mother soon after. Beowulf performs the act of being generous when he offers to come fight the Danes battle against Grendel and his horrifying crimes. Soon after that, Grendel’s mother uses her wrath to try to harm the Danes. Beowulf again shows his generosity when he steps up to the plate and slays her. Beowulf returns to the land of the Danes, Hereot, for the third time to defeat yet another potential threat, the dragon. This battle is his final battle occurring near the end of the poem. By this event, he had been ruling the Gaits for at least fifty years. In this occurrence, he shows his generosity once again, by protecting his men and leaving them behind. He takes off and completes his final battle. Beowulf is a very brave and noble prince. He proves this statement in the way he humbly boasts about his ability to complete quests, fighting monstrous creates continuously, and going into each battle or challenge by his lonesome. “Hail! King Hrothgar! I am Hygelac’s thane, Hygelac’s kinsman. Many a deed Of honor and daring I’ve done in my youth… The best of my people, prudent and brave, Urged

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