
Bernie Sanders And The Civil Rights Movement

Better Essays

As the 2016 presidential elections have approached our country, we see candidates all over the media debating about issues affecting our country. Every presidential candidate has diverse positions on certain issues and as we explore the media for the candidate’s stands on political concerns, we learn additional facts about these candidates. In my evaluation essay, I will be focusing on Bernie Sanders and his stand on education, corporate regulations, and health care. Bernie Sanders has been involved with the government and politics since 1962 when he pursued his career at the University of Chicago and became involved in the Civil Rights Movement. In 1962 Bernie Sanders participated in a sit in against segregation on campus. The …show more content…

A year ago, In April of 2015 Bernie Sanders came to the decision to run for the 2016 Presidential Elections and improve this country. The first issue Bernie Sanders has discussed about is regarding education. Sanders’s position on education is that all public colleges and universities should be free for anyone who wants to pursue a higher education without worrying about tuition costs. Education needs to be improved in public schools nationwide as well. Additional teachers and faculty must be appointed to benefit student learning. In his website ran by volunteers’ it states, “Bernie Sanders believes that all students deserve the opportunity to receive an affordable, quality education from the earliest stages of schooling to high-level degrees” (FeelTheBern, par.1). The main reason why I am supporting Bernie Sanders and his position on free education is because he supports DREAMers and the DREAM Act. Sanders “strongly supports the DREAM Act and is enthusiastic about the possibility of providing a pathway to legal status for talented, hard-working young people” (FeelTheBern, sec. 8). Having a president who can possibly permit illegal students to obtain legal status would benefit many students and open countless doors of opportunities for us. Many citizens ask themselves where this money for free college will be coming from and Bernie has just the solution. In order to provide for free tuition, Wall Street’s tax

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