
Bernie Sanders Is The Best For The Presidential Position

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Presidential Paper I believe Bernie Sanders is the best for the presidential position because he wants to help immigrants who are undocumented here and will do better for this country. He is a flared candidate who has an important message to the people, record free of evildoing and corruption. No other candidate has the credibility Bernie has on economy. For decades no one has paid attention to the American economy when it rigged in favor of the billionaire class at the expense of everyone else. Now people are finally picking their heads up and listening. Love him or hate him, everyone knows Sanders has integrity. My candidate, Bernie Sanders wants to give immigrants a voice and help them stay in the U.S. Sanders states,” We have eleven million people in this country who are undocumented-who came here to improve their lives, to escape oppression, to flee desperate poverty and violence-and are systematically shut out from that same opportunity.” Bernie Sanders is a son of an immigrant because his father came to this country with not even a penny in his pocket. So he understands why it is important to help those who are illegal here because it’s not fair that they want the same thing as we do, a better life, but can’t have just because they weren’t born here. Nevertheless, Bernie wants what everybody wants, a happy immigrant country. Donald Trump disagrees with immigrants and wants to kick them all out of the country. Trump states,“ I would deport and have a mass

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