
Big Mac Supply Chain Essay

Decent Essays

The Supply chain is another responsibility that requires skills and techniques to maintain. During the creation process, organizations are creative when it comes to gaining the attention of their customers. At the same time, organizations have to be just as creative to maintain those customers’ interests. Big Mac, gasoline, automobile repair, and even a textbook require supply chain management. To start, Schroeder, R., Goldstein, S., and Rungtusanatham define supply chain as “the set of entities and relationships that cumulatively define materials and information flows both downstream toward the customer and upstream toward the very first supplier.” Schroeder, R., Goldstein, S., and Rungtusanatham goes on to identify supply chain management as “the design and management of seamless, value-added processes across organizational boundaries to meet the real needs of the end customer.” Organizations have to prepare themselves to the best of their ability in order to provide or their customers. Customers expect to receive the upmost service, regardless of the type of organization they make contact with. …show more content…

For example, to supply the needs to create the quality of a Big Mac there are a multitude of things to take into retrospect. All of the ingredients that are required to put into each Big Mac has to be on point in order to deliver that same quality taste, value, and appreciation every time. Customers are much more pleased with the quality of a product over the quantity of the product. It will take much time, dedication, and consideration into distributing the exact required measurement of the ingredients. Developing the Big Mac has to start from the supplier of the goods, to the factory, to the distributor, then to the

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