
Bill Of Rights Should Be Abolished Essay

Decent Essays

“Speak boldly with intellect, Never hush your voice for someone's comfort, Speak your mind, Make people uncomfortable”(Unknown). Men and women, speaking the mind and letting others know what one thinks is one of the greatest things. There are those who stay silent because it’s scary to think of what people will say because of the statement made and or the punishment required for making that statement. There are laws in countries that state if you are to speak out against the government you will be punished. While there are people from Russia that believe it is fair to punish people for talking out and making a statement against their own federal government; there are Americans that insist that speaking out and giving their viewpoint about the …show more content…

Now America is the complete opposite from Russia. In America everyone knows that they have the right to speak out without having the fear of being disciplined. Bill of rights Institute states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances” (Bill of rights Institute). This is the first amendment of the bill of rights, it is their because citizens wanted a warranty of their basic freedoms. Without this protesters could be silenced, the press could not criticize government, and citizens could not inspire for social change. Then there is United States Courts stating “Congress shall make no law...abridging freedom of speech.”(US Courts). America is not making or has not made any laws that keep civilians from talking out and stating what is on their mind. Without this protesters could be silenced, the press could not criticize government, and citizens could not inspire for social change. Thankfully for the 1st amendment in the bill of rights everyone knows that they have the right to talk and express what they feel even if it is about the

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