
Biography of John Locke

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John Locke was a British born philosopher, physician, and writer that played a significant role in the framework of The United States. He was born in Wrington, England on August 29th, 1632. A father, also named John, who was a country lawyer, and his mother Anges Keene, raised Locke. Both his parents were Puritans, which influenced his later work immensely ("John Locke"). Locke’s parents sent him to the famous Westminister School in London where he was led by Alexander Popham, a member of Parliament. He later did his studies in philosophy at prestigious Oxford University, while also gaining some medical background. Locke did not enjoy the curriculum at Oxford, as he was more interested in the works of modern philosophers. Locke received …show more content…

Throughout the “letter”, he distinguishes the difference between government and religion. Locke characterizes government as being instilled to promote the three main external interests: life, liberty, and the general welfare. He saw the church as put in place to promote internal interests like salvation. The response across the church for this publication was not the most positive (Broers). They believed an atheist wrote the “letter” and that it was written to cause disruption in the church and state. Locke was viewed negatively by the church and by many European states (Broers). Two Treatises of Government is John Locke’s most significant works of writing. It was published in 1689 and what the publication did was denounce the English patriarchal and develop new ideas for a more civil society that valued natural rights and theory (Tuckness). Two Treatises of Government is split into two parts, Book I and Book II. Like mentioned earlier, Book I strips the value of the patriarchal in England. He believes that argument that the King and Queen are divinely ordained and they deserve the land is ridiculous (Tuckness). Locke goes against all that Sir Robert Filmer stated in his work Patriarcha, in which he says that Adam has absolute authority over the world because he has the divine ownership. Locke

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