
Biological Psychological Theories

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The person I am writing about is experiencing troubles with their thoughts and behavior. In social situations they have difficulty expressing emotions when in social gatherings, they can be paranoid and think there is someone watching them, and they have issue with separating what's real and imaginary due to voices that they hear in their head. Because of the hallucinations that they hear and the irrational thoughts and feelings that they experience, functioning in everyday life can be extremely difficult for them to do. The person suffers from schizophrenia. Biological A biological psychological theorist would say that the person in question is suffering from potentially a few different things that are causing the schizophrenia. There is a …show more content…

All of these biological factors can be the reason that the brain essentially malfunctions causing the hallucinations and irrational thoughts and behavior. Psychodynamic A psychodynamic psychological theorist would say that the person in question is suffering from an ego deterioration and disintegration of the ego, leaving the ego unable to control the urges and ideas between the ID and the super ego. This creates difficulty with distinguishing reality and their own beliefs and behaviors. They regress to a state that cannot organize their own thoughts and behaviors, which leaves them with their hallucinations greatly influencing their actions. Freud believed that the mothers behavior while the person was growing up is a big factor in the development or lack thereof, of the ego. Behavioral A behavioral psychological theorist would say that the person in question is experiencing these schizophrenic episodes and symptoms because of the brain not being properly conditioned to follow the correct cues, leading to a focus on the wrong stimuli and cues. Because the brain isn't conditioned well, this causes the brain to misfire and act irrationally rather than respond to the cues

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