
Biology Cell Parts Essay

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Nucleus- “the brain” or control center of the cell. The Nucleus, a membrane-bound structure of a cell, plays two crucial roles in controlling the cell. The nucleus carries the cell's genetic information that determines if the organism will develop, for instance, into a tree or a human; and it directs most cell activities including growth, metabolism, and reproduction by controlling protein synthesis. The presence of a nucleus distinguishes the more complex eukaryotic cells of plants and animals from the simpler prokaryotic cells of bacteria and cyanobacteria that lack a nucleus. The nucleus is the most predominate structure in the cell. It is typically round and occupies 10% of the cells total volume. The nucleus is wrapped in a …show more content…

Chromatin- a collection of separate structures called Chromosomes. Within the nucleus the DNA is organized along with proteins into Chromatin. During Mitosis, the chromosomes condense into what is known as Chromosomes, which allows the genetic information of the previous cell to be passed on.

Chromosome- Chromosomes are the microscopic structure within cells that carries the molecule deoxyribonucleic acid. DNA is the hereditary material that influences the development and characteristics of each organism. In bacteria and bacteria-like organisms called archaebacteria, chromosomes are simple circles of DNA that float around in the cell. In more complex cells, or Eukaryotes, chromosomes are stored within a well developed and defined nucleus. In eukaryotic cells, chromosomes are highly complex structures in which the shape of the DNA molecules is linear, rather than circular. Chromosomes consist chiefly of proteins and DNA. Tiny chemical subunits called nucleotide bases form the structure of DNA. A sequence of these bases that are along a DNA strand will create a code for the production of a special protein also known as a gene. Genes occupy precise locations on the chromosome. Each cell contains enough DNA to form a thread extending about 2 m (about 7 ft). Proteins called histones play a key role in packaging DNA within chromosomes. Sections of

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