
Biology Chapter 35 and 39 Notes

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Chapter 39

Plant Responses to Internal and External Signals

No groups of plants is more important to human survival than seed plants plants are key sources of food fuel wood products and medicine our reliance of plants

Products from Seed Plants

Most of our food comes from angiosperms
Six crops yield 80% of the calories consumed by humans

Cassava sweet potatoes

Other Products from Seed Plants

Secondary compounds of seed plants are used in medicines
Know table 30.1

Threats to plant Diversity

Destruction of habitat
In causing extinction of many plant speciesCHapter 35
Plant structure, Growth, and Development.

Overview no two plants are alike

To some people the fanwort is …show more content…

Triggers production of other hormones, particularly ethylene and ABA, leading to leaf, abscission, abnormal growth, growth inhibition, and cell death
Auxin is the active ingredient in Agent Orange

stimulate cytokinesis (cell division)

are produces in actively growing tissues such as roots, embryos, young leaves and fruits

Cause chloroplast formation and maturation

work together with auxin to promote apical dominance

Apical dominance

Apical dominance is the terminal bud’s ability to suppress development of axillary buds

If the terminal bud is removes, lateral axillary buds grow and produces new branches and the plants become bushier

Role of Cytokinin

Cytokinins also slow or stop the aging of some plant organs (delay senescence).
Together with auxin, causes the formation of crown gall
Crown gall is a tumor-like mass of undifferentiated cells found typically near the crown of plant ( where root and stem connect)
Crown gall is cause by infection with Agrobacterium tumefaciens which insert its plasmid into plant cells chromosome and cause overproduction of auxin and cytokinin.
Crown gall is a common problem for fruit and nut

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