
Biome Of Tiaga Essay

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The boreal forest, also known as tiaga, is the world’s largest land-based biome. This biome plays a great role in biodiversity and climate. It stretches across North America and Eurasia, taking up 11% of the earths land, and has no corresponding southern latitudes (Berg, 2012). The temperature in the tiaga is cold, but not as severe as in the tundra. Average annual temperatures in this biome range from +5 to -5 degrees Celsius (41 – 23 degrees Fahrenheit) ( Rainfall in the forest is minimal, with only 20 inches per year on average (Berg, 2012). The winter season is said to be cold and long, with the summers being short and cool. Because of the moist ground and the long summer days, there tends to be explosive growth …show more content…

Spruces, balsam firs, eastern larches and conifers dominate the forest. Trees such as aspen and birch may be in the mix as well. Needle-like leaves on trees such as the conifer (firs and pines) have minimum surface area for water loss (Berg, 2012). They also retain their needles and shed snow easily during the winter. Pinecones can be found in these forests. These contain seeds that are sometimes foraged by animals of the forest. Mosses and lichens are part of the plant life as well, and can serve as an important part of an animal’s diet in the tiaga …show more content…

Some of the large, main carnivores of the forest include the Siberian Tiger, lynx and bobcat. Some of the smaller herbivores in the forest include the arboreal porcupine and the terrestrial show shoe hare ( Bird inhabit the forest in the summer; 1 in 3 birds in the United States and Canada spend their breeding seasons in the boreal forest (Berg, 2012). In order to survive in the winter, some animals burrow beneath the snow and forage for their food in tunnels in the forest floor. Others hibernate throughout that cold season. Insects are more prevalent during the summer months when plant growth is at its peak, but it dies down during the winter ( Boreal Forests are the worlds primary source for industrial wood products, wood fiber and extensive logging. Lumber, plywood for paper and animal furs are also taken from these forests. Mining and drilling for gas and oil often takes place in the tiaga. It is the biggest threat to the forest. It is estimated that the largest amounts of petroleum products lie beneath the boreal forests of Canada, Russia and Alaska ( The high demand for fossil fuels, especially in the wake of crisis in the Middle East, has put focus on these areas for domestic

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