
Biopsychosocial Model Analysis

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In the world of Psychology, there is a possibility you will encounter a plethora of individuals with varying diagnoses. In regards to heath psychology, this discipline focuses not only on the psychological aspects of an individual but also the social and biological aspects that contribute to diseases and its prevention. (Dunn & Miley, 2014) Additionally, studying health psychology has contributed to the improvement of health promotion programs, treatment models and initiation of health policies. (Dunn & Miley, 2014)

To best understand how health psychology is of importance, models such as the biopsychosocial model has been introduced to science to bridge the mind and body. This model helps us to understand how both the body and mind have …show more content…

The biopsychosocial model would take into account biological, social and psychological properties that could explain the factors that cause, aggravate and potentially prevent these diseases.

Today we will examine hypertension. We will evaluate how both models address issues regarding hypertension. Hypertension is defined as “an abnormally high blood pressure, an often silent cardiovascular condition that may lead to heart attack, stroke, and major organ failures.” (Marsh & Rizzo, 2014) Virchow, the father of the biomedical model maintained that diseases are a result of cellular irregularities. When examining a disease such as hypertension, medical professionals would inspect the symptoms, the function of the heart, kidneys, brain and blood vessels. Once these factors are determined, the biomedical practitioner would …show more content…

Abuse of dietary sodium, potassium and alcohol have been linked to the propagation of hypertensive symptoms. Consumption of sodium chloride (NaCl), also known as table salt, has been a key player in the procurement of hypertension. (Koliaki & Katsilambros, 2013) Recommended intake designated by the Department of Health and Human Services recommends 2300mg for healthy individuals and 1500mg for individuals who are older, African American and or have hypertension, diabetes or chronic kidney disease. (Gupta, Georgiopoulou, Kalogeropoulos, Dunbar, Reilly, Sands, et. al., 2012) Sodium intake in relation to potassium intake has also been shown to have an affect on hypertension. Research conducted on hypertensive rats found evidence that supports higher levels of potassium acquired through natural food sources, contributed to lower blood pressure levels. The rats that were kept on a diet lower in potassium also exhibited higher mortality rates than their potassium pumped counterparts. (Liu, Wang, Kincaid-Smith, Witworth, et .al., 2014) Alternately, modifications to the diet and weight loss has also been shown to have a positive effect on preventing hypertension (Appel, Brands, Daniels, Karania, Elmer, et. al., 2006) Overall, the monitoring of dietary salt, potassium and weight loss or maintenance are all variables in preventing blood pressure increases and

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