
Bitter And Sweet Quotes

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Throughout The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford, I sympathized with Keiko and Henry the most. Although both are minority races, they are discriminated against differently. Keiko identifies as 'American', but that does not seem to matter as her family and the rest of the citizens of Japanese descent are whisked into armed, prison-like camps by U.S. officials. I can relate to her since I have been discriminated against because of my ethnicity. It seems easy for some to make stereotypes about other races, especially in a time where everyone is looking for somewhere to place the blame. For example, the discrimination is evident when Keiko and Henry try to buy a record- Keiko is not even acknowledged because she is Japanese. …show more content…

Chaz annoys me because he is one of the school's bullies, and he continuously picks on Keiko and Henry. He does not even have a reason for it, he just does it because he can; he is acting out of his feelings of superiority implanted in him by society due to his Caucasian race. Also, Henry's father cannot seem to let go of the stereotypes placed around Japanese people at the time. He does not try to understand Henry's feelings and he ends up alienating his own son. I also find it heartbreaking that his love for Henry is not unconditional, and that it seems easy for him to disown Henry for years. He ignores Henry's presence; for example, when Henry's mom places a plate on the table for Henry, his father asks if they are having a guest over, and since they are not Henry's mom takes it away. Henry has to get it himself, which symbolizes how he is no longer viewed as part of the family. It angered me that Henry's father later tried to send him to China to finish his education; he abandons him yet still wants authority over him. He also sabotages the letters between Keiko and Henry, and it is upsetting to think of what could have happened if everything worked out like they originally plan. I lost all respect for him when he starts talking to Henry again when he is dating Ethel. He chooses when to be a father and when not to be, and I can not even begin to comprehend how he is able to do

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