
Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Essay

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In Opposition of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis

Historically, we know that a bloodstain pattern analysis dates back to the 1800s, but lately has it been subject to rigorous authentication. “At this time very little is known about this beyond the instincts of knowledgeable instructors and investigators who have observed the reproducibility of bloodstain patterns over many crime scenes and practical sessions in the classroom.” DNA analysis now used to identify who bled at a crime scene, but bloodstain pattern analysis is still a vital tool. For instance, it is common for a suspect to claim that he was stained by a victim’s blood while trying to render aid. In that instance, using bloodstain pattern analysis to figure out how the blood got on him …show more content…

• Blunt force: produced by the impact of a hammer on a pool of blood containing 1 to 6 drops of blood
• So-called “cast-off patterns”: created from the swinging of a blood-covered wrench or a small-bloodied knife, swung towards and across the target …show more content…

The reason is simple: Bloodstains can tell you only so much about who committed a crime, or how.

Some experts, such as Tom Bevel, who is an Oklahoma-based expert in bloodstain patterns, have tried to use bloodstain forensics to rebuild where blood came from and by what method. “In recent years, flawed blood-spatter evidence has led to at least three wrongful convictions across the country, from North Carolina to Indiana.” Though this number of wrongful convictions may not seem important considering the amount of trials and convictions that occur throughout the United States, it does remind us to weigh the evidence in scientific and more objective ways. Mann goes on to state that:

In 2009, the National Academy of Sciences released findings from the most extensive study ever conducted of forensic evidence in American courtrooms. The authors did not think much of blood-spatter analysis, writing that the “uncertainties associated with bloodstain pattern analysis are enormous,” and concluding that the opinions of blood-spatter experts like Bevel are “more subjective than

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