
Body Art : Tattoos And Piercings In The Workplace

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Body art in the workplace has been and will continue to be a controversial topic to discuss. Tattoos and piercings do not come even slightly close to affecting the kind of person someone is and how well their work ethic is. It should not affect a person’s likeliness of being hired. Even in today’s modern and generally accepting world, a world where most “abnormal” things are considered normal, there is still a rather large amount of people in this world who are against tattoos and piercings in the workplace. Those who are against the idea tend to argue that body art is distracting and disgusting, specifically in the form of piercings. In fact, while talking about different types of piercings on people in customer service, a profound Jewish author even says, “Does anyone else suffer frissons of revulsion, or is it just me?” (Darvick 321). She then goes on to say, “I can’t look at someone in the face because of his piercings…” Opinions like those of Darvick are sickening and discriminatory. Humans should not be looked upon or judged any differently because of the way they choose to express themselves.
A local business owner, Michelle Eddy, agrees with these statements. Eddy says, “I have no problem hiring anybody with tattoos, piercings, or even colored hair!” She supports anyone with any kind of body art and views their tattoos or piercings as they are, a beautiful form of self expression and art. Eddy has also said, “I think that tattoos should not be an issue in any

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