
Body Image: Negative Body Images For Young Girls

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90% of highschool girls go on diets daily, when only 10% of those girls turn out to be considered overweight (Davidson). Overweight is a term used for scientists to determine a healthy weight for a certain height, not what girls think they are considered as (Obesity). With more advertising and false model images, teen girls are forming negative body images for themselves because they want an unrealistic look. Models or manikins in stores show the wanna-be image for girls and cause them to obsess over a specific look they think they need to be in order to not be considered “fat.” Girls don’t want to be considered fat because of the social groups that are formed. They don’t want to look bad in front of anybody because they care what others think …show more content…

Young girls are more scared of becoming fat than they are of wars, cancer, or losing their parents (Davidson). Because girls think they’re fat, they think it reflects on how pretty their face is. Girls cannot control many things apart of their body. One’s body image is how they look and act in response to it (Body Image). Body image is developed through interactions within the social world (Body Image). The school age of girls is full of competition and jealousy. Girls compete to make a sports team. Girl compete to have the best clothes. Girls compete to have the perfect hair. Girls get jealous over another girl’s boyfriend. Girls get jealous over someone’s friendship with their bestfriend. Growing up in school, kids start playing sports, getting involved in clubs and activities, and get into relationships. This tends to develop different groups of people to hang out with, causing peer pressure amongst others. When girls are peer pressured, it’s because they want to fit in or be just like another, and they tend to base it off of their appearance or …show more content…

A numerous amount of disorders can also follow when one has a negative body image. Common body image disorders are anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa. About 8 million people in the United States have anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or any other related eating disorders (Eating Disorders). Only about 10% of those people are males (Eating Disorders). Anorexia nervosa is a disorder when one will starve themself, just so they don’t gain any pounds. Bulimia nervosa is when one consumes a huge amount of food, but then force themself to puke it up (Eating Disorders). They can also become life threatening, like depression or anxiety, causing self harm or even suicidal

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