
Body Systems Essay

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Functions Of The Skeleton The human skeleton has 6 main functions that provide the body with good health. They are as follows: Support - our skeleton provides shape and support to our body which gives our body its shape, without this function our body would simply collapse. Movement - it aids our body to move by giving a framework to the attached muscles which then allows different movements at different joints. Movement is therefore powered by the skeletal muscles. Protection - the skeleton provides protection to many important organs. The skull protects the brain, eyes and ears. The vertebrae protects the spinal cord from any damage. The rib cage prevents any damage to the lungs, hearts and major blood vessels. The illium …show more content…

The appendicular skeleton consists of 126 bones containing the appendage bones, the pectoral and pelvic girdles. It is responsible for the ability of movements and the protection of the major organs in the human body. Types Of Joints There are three types of joins in the skeletal system each allowing different types of movements. Fibrous joint connected by the fibrous connective tissue is also known as the fixed joint, This type of joint allows no movement and can be found in the bones such as the skull Cartilaginous joint is connected by the cartilage and is also known is the slightly moveable joint. It allows little movement between joints in places such as the vertebrae and ribs. Synovial joints are the most common joints in the skeletal system and are also known as the freely moveable joints. They are not directly connected which is why it allows a great amount of movement. As with most other joints in the body, synovial joints achieve more movements. The synovial joints consist of six different types of joints. Types Of Movements Flexion - is the bending of a joint where the bones on either side of joint are brought together, decreasing the angle between bones. Extension - the opposite of flexion where the joints are straightened and the angle of the joints are increased. Abduction - the moving of a limb away from the central of the body

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