
Boiling Point Lab

Decent Essays

The purpose of this experiment is to identify unknown substances by finding certain properties that this substance has. Like the density,melting point and the boiling point with these we are able to identify the unknown liquid and unknown solid that we are given. In order to get the density of a liquid we are first going to divide the mass of the liquid by the volume of the liquid in order to get us the density. In order to get the density of a solid we are going to divide the mass of the solid by the volume of the solid in order to get us the density of the solid. Next we are going to want to find the boiling point of a liquid we find this by placing a thermometer and test tube into a beaker with some water in it. Then we boil it and record the data we are going to want to record the start of the boiling and constant temp of the boiling then use this equation ( Start of boiling + constant temp of boiling ) / 2. This will give us our boiling temperature +/- 5 degrees. Finally we are going to want to find the melting point of a solid we do this by placing the tube in the device that determines the melting point of a solid. Then we …show more content…

We then will use the equation mass / volume and get the density. Now for the second section of the experiment to find the boiling point of a liquid we are going to need a thermometer, beaker , test tube , heat source we will boil the liquid and get the boiling point of it by using the equation ( t1 + t2)/2. To get the melting point of a solid we are going to need a mel-temp, bunsen burner , thermometer, and a capillary tube. We should not need any equations because once the liquid form of the solid starts to melt we will record that temperature +/-

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